The #1 Northern Division

Ian Plett's layout in a truck
Members of the No. 1 Northern Division have some very unique and individual layouts, but none are so unique as Ian Plett's layout, which he built in the back of a truck! Ian is a long distance truck driver, and his job doesn't give him a lot of home time. But he found a way to incorporate his job and his love for model railroading into one! With the kind permission of his boss, he built a shelf layout in the bunk area of his truck. The truck has brackets for a second bunk, which is where he bolted his layout.
Basic construction is a 2x4 frame under a solid, sturdy layer of 3/4" plywood, which was needed to reduce the effect of the vibrations in a moving vehicle. As the layout had to be easily removed, he used L-brackets to secure the plywood to the 2x4s. He built it in two L-shaped pieces plus a ridge piece clamped into place with C-clamps. 1" styroforam was glued onto the plywood, folowed by cork roadbed and track. The bridge span was removable, which allowed Ian to get into his bunk easily.
For a while, Ian had a "plywood central" layout, but thanks to the hints he picked up at scenery clinics at the 2010 "Steam on the Prairies" TLR regional convention in Winnipeg, he boldly ventured forth and created some impressive scenery of his own! Ian uses Digitrax DCC or DC, depending on what engines he brought along.
Sadly, Ian's layout is no more. He's been assigned a smaller truck, and his layout doesn't fit in it, and he sold his layout. But you can't keep a dedicated model railroader like Ian down for long! He's building an N scale layout that will fit in his new rig! Below is a slide show of Ian's wonderful layout!