The #1 Northern Division
Our 2014 Train Show was a resounding success!
Over 250 very happy people attended the No. 1 Northern Division's very first public train show on Saturday, November 1. Although the show was scheduled the day after Halloween and at the same time as one of the biggest comic book conventions in Western Canada, the event still managed to draw a surprisingly large crowd of train lovers, and raised a respectable amount of money to be donated to St. Amant.
The No. 1 Northern Division's Free-Mo group, which had the largest display at last month's Manitoba Mega Train Show, had the largest display this time as well. The group (dubbed the "blue shirt guys" by the show's visitors) received many compliments not only for their layout, but their willingness to share all aspects of their hobby and answer any question the viewers had about their group, and of model railroading in general.
Veteran model railroaders Ron Einarson and Rob Gairns held popular clinics. No.1 Northern Webmaster Paul Ullrich (using his alter ego as "The Giraffe Car Man") wowed the kiddies with his hands-on Lionel layout. There was also a hands-on N Scale layout, and a G scale display run by Manitoba Mega Train organizer Maurice Dorge. 13 year old Michael Leader, our youngest member, was also on hand to run the John Allen Timesaver Module.
No. 1 Northern Superintendent Dennis Rietze ran a demonstration on how to run a model railroad with a cell phone. He was also interviewed by CTV Winnipeg News, which ran the segment on their Saturday evening news program. Several NMRA member were also on hand to promote the organization and its many benefits to model railroaders.
It was also great to see a lot of old, new and familiar faces at the show, such as former Elmwood Hobby Works proprietor Vern Gibson. There were lots of families and plenty of kids , who stayed for many hours enjoying the World's Greatest Hobby! Click on the slide show below to see a gallery of images from the show.

13 year old Michael Leader, the No. 1 Northern's youngest member, operated the John Allen Timesaver module.

Kiddies enjoy operating the dump cars on Paul Ullrich's portable Lionel layout

Manitoba Mega Train organizer Maurice Dorge with his G gauge display.

13 year old Michael Leader, the No. 1 Northern's youngest member, operated the John Allen Timesaver module.