The #1 Northern Division
No. 1 Northern Division first Christmas train show was a success!
We're pleased to report that the No. 1 Northern Division's first Christmas Train show was a success! The even drew a respectable amount of peoole, especially in the morning, and we raised a fair amount of money.
The No. 1 Northern Division’s Free-Mo Group was there, as well as WinNtrak's portable N gauge model railroad layout Paul Ullrich's Lionel “Giraffe Car” layout. Larry Leavens and Ron Einarson held clinics all day, and MMR Fred Headon from Warehouse Hobbies was also there to dispense all sorts of advice on model railroading.
Of course, Santa Claus was there all day! We'd like to thank jolly St. Nick for coming to our show just before he was to appear at Winnipeg's annual Santa Claus Parade!
Seen below is the No. 1 Northern Division Free-Mo Group President Ian Plett operating the Free-Mo layout during the show.