My life and times at the Winnipeg Free Press
I worked at the Winnipeg Free Press as a graphic designer and an illustrator for 14 1/2 years. I was the very last of a vanishing breed -
an in-house illustrator. For most of that time, the editorial art department had exactly two employees - the Art Director and me! My Art Director for over ten years was Gordon Preece, who was the best boss anyone could ever hope for. Oddly enough, we had separate offices on opposite sies of the buiding, so we rarely saw each other! My job was to illustrate any story that any editor happened to throw on my drawing board that day. I learned to draw in a number of styles to disguise the fact that I was the only artist they had. It was a wonderful opportunity to grow as an artist and most important of all - to develop speed! My deadlines ranged from a couple of days to less than an hour, and there was always more than one page to do, but that's the reality of the daily newspaper business! Below is a slideshow of my favourite illustrations that I did for the paper. Click on the image to start the slide show.

A little black humour. Note the baby's hand sticking out of the laundry basket. Grandma's much too into the soaps!

The province of Manitoba had just lost it's AAA bond rating.

Iv'e said this before, and I'll say it again - I don't write 'em! I just draw what's given me!

A little black humour. Note the baby's hand sticking out of the laundry basket. Grandma's much too into the soaps!